Monday, January 31, 2011

Big Ideas Article

"Big Ideas do not completely explicate an idea, but represent a host of concepts that form the idea." This sentence in the article written by S. Walker helped me to understand what the purpose of a "big idea" is. I also learned that it is very important that you find interest in your big idea otherwise the project will be mundane and seem like a boring homework assignment. Another way to view the artisit's big idea is to think of it as an artist's purpose, the reason as to why they are artmaking in the first place. I also learned that the artist's theme and big idea could be the same thing depending on whether or not the theme is seen throughout the artist's work. If it is then the theme and the big dea are the same. In addition, I learned that subject matter is the artists topic whereas big ideas are the artisits concepts. I think it can all get a little confusing, especially when the definitions can sometimes overlap with eachother. However, I really did enjoy this article because it helped me to understand the foundations of a big idea and what is important when trying to come up with one. All of of this information will make it easier for me when working on our project.

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